Discover what exactly alveolar osteitis is and how to treat it

Following a tooth extraction, particularly in the case of wisdom teeth, the blood clot that forms at the extraction wound can become dislodged, causing the condition known as alveolar osteitis or dry socket –especially painful because of the exposure of nerves and jawbone to the cold air.

Very severe, irradiating pain for several days after the extraction is the main indicative of alveolar osteitis, as well as other symptoms such as a foul odour coming from the mouth, weird taste sensation, visible exposure of the bone, and swollen lymph nodes around the jaw or neck.

Dry socket can affect anyone who has undergone tooth extraction surgery. Smoking or chewing tobacco increase your risk of developing this condition, as well as oral contraceptives with high estrogen amounts and infection of neighbouring teeth or gums. Ask your dentist for a guide to dental care if you are in any of this risk groups to prevent dry socket condition.

In terms of prevention, pre-operative oral rinse with chlorhexidine 12% or with Peridex ha proven to decrease the quantity of oral microbes that cause dry socket, thus making it less likely for patients to develop the condition. Lincomycin has also proven effective when immediately delivered to the post-extraction wound.

To treat dry socket condition and help the healing of the extraction site, dentists irrigate it thoroughly before placing a medicated sedative dressing on it, which starts to relieve the patient’s pain within the hour. Further appointments are scheduled after 24 hours, when the surgical site is irrigated again and the packing is changed. The relief of all symptoms usually occurs between the second and fourth appointments whereas, if no improvement is noticed after that, a re-evaluation of the extraction site is needed to detect other conditions that may present similar symptoms but have to be treated following other procedures.

To ensure the optimal condition of your teeth and gums, tooth replacement treatment is usually advised. Chewing helps maintaining the functionality of your teeth and jawbones, preventing them from wearing off and changing for facial structure. Visit a tooth implant center to know your options for tooth replacement. Remember that, in case some misalignment has occurred during the time you have had a missing tooth, you can regain a natural smile with Invisalign clear braces without the hassle of everyone knowing you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Being free of conditions that affect your teeth and gums is very important to your overall wellbeing, but it becomes mandatory when you wish to undergo many other dental treatments. Laser whitening in London is a highly demanded cosmetic treatment to restore the natural colour of your smile, which is only possible if you present no dental health conditions.

Ask your dentist how to best manage tooth extraction, tooth loss and general dental care, and make sure your smile stays healthy and bright.