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An Effective Guide to Brushing and Flossing

An Effective Guide to Brushing and Flossing

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing is important if you wish to maintain a healthy oral hygiene. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy not only improves your smile,…

The Consequences of Untreated Cavities

The Consequences of Untreated Cavities

Everyone is aware of how horrible cavities are. Nowadays, getting fillings for the teeth is so simple that many individuals lose sight of how harmful cavities may actually be. In…

Do Your Sensitive Teeth Require Treatment?

Do Your Sensitive Teeth Require Treatment?

Regular activities such as eating, chewing, or drinking can feel like a stressful experience if you have sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth should not be ignored. In most cases, they may…

Top 5 Reasons You Should Replace a Missing Tooth

Top 5 Reasons You Should Replace a Missing Tooth

If you are an adult missing a tooth or two, you are among more than 27 million adults in the UK who are missing at least one tooth. This shows…

How Long does a Root Canal Last?

How Long does a Root Canal Last?

A root canal may save teeth from extraction when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. An endodontist can save your tooth by removing the pulp and cleaning, reshaping, and sterilising…

Home Care And Pain Management Tips After Tooth Extraction

Home Care And Pain Management Tips After Tooth Extraction

After getting your tooth extracted, the pain can hamper your routine as it causes discomfort for a few days. The tooth extraction process may sound dreadful, but it helps when…