Five Tips To Prepare for Your Filler Injections

Your face may develop crow’s feet, frown lines, and other creases as you get older. These flaws, which may appear around your mouth, forehead, eyes, nose, and cheeks as you get older, are common. You are not required to like them, though! Fine lines, creases, and dynamic wrinkles—wrinkles that appear when you move your facial muscles—can all be lessened with cosmetic procedures like Botox and dermal fillers.
There is no denying that injectable dermal fillers are currently among the most well-liked and regularly used cosmetic procedures. Dermal filler injections are pretty common, but it’s still crucial for patients to understand what to expect before, during, and after their procedure.

Use these helpful hints on getting ready for your dermal filler injections if you’re thinking about fillers to ensure the most relaxing, practical, and effective procedure possible.

Dermal filler

5 Tips To Prepare for Your Filler Injections

1. Choose the treatment that’s right for you

An expert practitioner will inject very small amounts of Botox Cosmetic into various locations on your face during a Botox treatment. Botox is a naturally occurring, refined protein that smoothes the appearance of your skin by stopping the nerve signals that compel your facial muscles to contract.

wrinkles and add fullness by plumping up facial skin that has lost volume with age.

2. Get a pre-treatment consultatio

Allow the professionals to advise you on how to prepare for your treatment before you receive Botox or dermal filler. For instance, we advise you to refrain from taking some over-the-counter NSAID drugs for about a week prior to your treatment in order to minimise post-treatment bruising.

These drugs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. The likelihood of bruising can increase if you take these medications because they affect your body’s capacity to form clots.

They’ll also give you a list of things to avoid, such as certain foods, makeup, and sometimes even skincare for the day. You must inform your doctor if you’ve ever had cold sores. Your doctor may decide to treat you with Valtrex because there is a possibility that the medication will cause an outbreak.

3. Avoid Alcohol And Any Cosmetic Treatments

Avoid having alcohol for 48 hours before and after your treatment because it increases the likelihood of bruising. To prevent your blood from thinning, avoiding alcohol prevents bruises.

The area(s) to be treated should also not be subjected to bleaching, tweezing, waxing, or the use of hair removal creams. Furthermore, avoid exfoliating the skin or using products containing retinol for at least a week prior to the treatment.

4. Know the impact of certain medications

You may experience bruising if you take prescription anticoagulants like warfarin. You shouldn’t stop taking them, but if bruising does happen, you can schedule a day of rest after your treatment.

Several supplements, including ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and fish oil, have blood-thinning properties that can cause bruising. All of these are anticoagulants, which raise the risk of bleeding and bruising where the injection was made. For about a week before your treatment, stay away from them. Your doctor will give you a more thorough list of drugs to stay away from.

5. Have ice packs or cool washcloths on hand

You can lessen and even stop minor bruising by using ice packs or washcloths soaked in cool water. Another strategy for bruising control is to elevate your head with a pillow and refrain from exercising for one or two days following your procedure.


Do not make your big debut right after the procedure if you are the life of the party and are getting fillers and Botox to help boost your confidence because possible bruising from Botox and dermal fillers can take seven to ten days to heal. You might want to take two weeks for yourself if you bruise easily. If you have any big event coming up, you should ideally finish your work a month in advance.

Make an inquiry at Perfect Smile Dental to know more about filler injections and related treatments.