Factors that Increase the Risk of Oral Cancer

Mouth cancer is termed cancer that can develop anywhere in your mouth. It is also known as oral cavity cancer or oral cancer. In addition, oral cancer falls under the category of head and neck cancers.

Symptoms of oral cancer include mouth pain, loose teeth, sore mouth or lips that don’t heal, pain while eating, difficulty swallowing, a growing lump in the mouth, etc. There are various factors that can cause mouth cancer, and in this guide, we’ll discuss a few risk factors that can cause oral cancer. 

Factors That Can Cause Oral Cancer

While the cause of mouth cancer hasn’t been determined, there are various factors that can increase the risk of getting it. These include several preventable lifestyle reasons like HPV, alcohol consumption, and smoking. 

While these things can lead to oral cancer, it is not necessary that you’ll develop it. In this section, we will discuss these factors in detail. 


Smoking tobacco is one of the leading factors that can increase the risk of developing oral cancer. The risk can increase by ten times that of those who don’t smoke. Smoking includes cigars, cigarettes, and pipes.

Studies show that two out of three oral cancers are caused due to smoking. Moreover, secondhand smoke can also increase your risk of getting oral cancer

Alcohol Consumption 

Excess consumption of alcohol can also lead to mouth cancer. Therefore, it is advisable for both women and men not to consume more than 14 units of alcohol weekly regularly. 


Human Papillomavirus or HPV is also linked to oral cancer. It is a significant factor leading to cervical, throat, anus, and oral cancer. It can spread by sexually coming in contact with an infected person. Not coming in skin-to-skin contact with an infected person and having safe sex can help you avoid HPV.

Vaccines for HPV have also been developed, but they may not help reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. 

Smokeless Tobacco

A tobacco product that is chewable and you don’t burn is known as smokeless tobacco. Chewing smokeless tobacco is a primary reason that can increase your risk of developing oral cancer. These smokeless tobacco products include ingredients such as sweeteners, slaked lime, areca spices and nuts, and flavourings.

Various smokeless tobacco products include: 

  • Khani
  • Gutka
  • Pan Masala or Betel Quid
  • Zarda
  • Maras Powder
  • Gul
  • Creamy Snuff
  • Nass and so on. 

Inappropriate Diet

An unhealthy diet and a diet deficient in necessary nutrients and minerals can also cause mouth cancer. It would help if you ate a nutrition-rich diet to reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. Additionally, Omega 3 is a fatty acid which can be found in fish and eggs. Consuming Omega 3 can help you reduce your chances of getting mouth cancer.

Including vegetables, fruits, seeds, brown rice, and nuts in your diet can lead to a healthier life. Foods that can decrease the chances of mouth cancer include: 

  • Carrots
  • Cancer-reducing fruits & vegetables 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Peppers
  • Peas
  • String beans & dried beans
  • Plums, pears, apples, nectarines, and so on. 

Using Mouthwash

Mouthwashes contain alcohol. Long-term frequent and long-term excessive use of mouthwash can thus increase your risk of mouth cancer. 


A significant cause of skin cancer is extreme ultraviolet or UV radiation. Sunbeds or natural sunlight can both cause skin cancer. Skin cancer can also develop on your lips when exposed to ultraviolet radiation regularly. 

Cancer History 

If you’ve had oral cancer before, you’re at a higher risk of getting it again. Moreover, if you have had any of the following cancers, you’ll also be at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer: 

  • Cervical cancer
  • Oesophagus cancer
  • Penile cancer
  • Squamous cell skin cancer 
  • Anal cancer


It is possible for gene mutations to pass on from parent to child. Therefore, you’ll be at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer if you have a family history. Moreover, genetic syndromes can also lead to oral cancer. These syndromes include:

  • Fanconi anaemia is a rare syndrome which is inherited and is linked with failure of bone marrow. 
  • Dyskeratosis congenital is a rare syndrome which is inherited and is linked with changes in the skin colour of the chest and neck, abnormal nails, and leukoplakia.

Additionally, those people who undergo treatment for AIDS or HIV and take necessary medications also have an increased risk of developing oral cancer. That’s because their immune system gets weak. 

Oral Hygiene

If your oral hygiene is poor, you may be at risk of developing mouth cancer. You should brush regularly, maintain proper oral hygiene, and floss daily to reduce the risk. 

When Should You Contact Us

If you observe symptoms and signs of oral cancer that last for over two weeks, you should contact Perfect Smile immediately. These bothersome symptoms shouldn’t be ignored, and you should contact your dentist at the earliest. 

It is important to choose the right dentist. At Perfect Smile, our skilled dentists will investigate for infection or other common causes to determine what the problem is. Make 


Now that you’re done reading our guide, we’re sure you’re aware of the factors that can increase your risk of getting oral cancer. You should keep these factors in mind and ensure that you keep cancer at bay by following a healthy lifestyle. You should regularly visit your dentist and maintain good oral hygiene. If you face any signs of mouth cancer, you should contact the dentists at Perfect Smile right away!