How Ignoring Dental Health can Cause Big Health Problems?

It all begins with your mouth. This statement is true to a great extent. It feeds your body and also helps you express yourself by speaking. And therefore, it becomes essential to take good care of your oral health as a lot more depends on it.

For those of you who do not take your oral health seriously, here’s some shocking information: bad oral health can affect your overall well being and lead to bigger health problems.

Your mouth is your gateway to your internal body organs. It is full of germs and bacteria, which are kept under control by regular brushing and flossing. If neglected, bacteria may increase, resulting in gum problems, tooth decay, and many oral health problems.

In this article, we will discuss how neglecting oral health can affect your general health. Here are the most common, yet serious health problems caused by bad dental health.

Cardiovascular Disease

Poor oral health can put you at the risk of heart disease. When gums get inflamed due to the bacteria which cause periodontal disease, the same bacteria can enter your bloodstream and cause the arteries to build plaque and harden.

Hardening of arteries is a severe problem. It’s called Atherosclerosis. It results in blood flow issues and heart blockages. It even increases the chances of heart attack.

The harmful impact on the blood vessels and arteries can lead to hypertension. It may even increase the risk for strokes.

What’s more, it may further lead to Endocarditis, a fatal condition that occurs when the lining of the heart gets infected.

Fortunately, you can avoid gum disease with proper oral hygiene and daily teeth cleanings. This will minimise your risk of developing cardiovascular disease while keeping your smile healthy and strong.

Dementia Or Alzheimer’s

It may sound strange but poor dental health can also affect your brain. The substances released from gums inflamed by infection can damage the brain cells and may lead to memory loss.

One may have dementia or even Alzheimer’s from gingivitis when the bacteria in the mouth enter the bloodstream or move to the nerve channels.

Respiratory Infections

Poor dental health can affect your respiratory system. The bacteria in the mouth from swollen gums and infected teeth can either be breathed into the lungs or travel through the bloodstream. Once it enters the lungs, the bacteria may lead to respiratory infections, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Not just diabetics are more vulnerable to infections such as infected gums that may lead to periodontal disease, but the periodontal disease may in turn make diabetes harder to control.

The symptoms can worsen as blood sugar levels go beyond control due to gum disease.

It is, therefore, quite crucial for people with diabetes to maintain their oral health and prevent any complications with their disease. Since gum disease may lead to higher blood sugar levels, someone with poor dental health is always at the risk of developing diabetes.

Pregnancy Complications

The would-be-mums need to practise good oral hygiene. Pregnant women are at the risk of developing oral infections much more quickly as their body goes through hormonal changes during this phase. And any infection in the mother’s body also increases the risk of pregnancy complications.

In expecting mothers, oral health problems like gingivitis and periodontitis can lead to premature birth and even lower newborn birth weight. In short, gum disease puts both the mother and the baby at risk of severe health issues.


Poor oral health care practices, such as consuming tobacco products or smoking, can lead to throat and oral cancers. Many other types of cancers have also been linked to gum disease. There is a risk for pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and blood cancers that are much higher for people with poor oral health.

Kidney Disease

Infections in your body, like periodontal disease, can lead to kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is a severe health problem that can affect the heart, bones, and even your blood pressure.

Generally, people with gum disease have a weaker immune system, and such people are more likely to catch infections.

Notably, those who suffer from poor dental health suffer from kidney disease, which can be severe as it may lead to cardiovascular disease or kidney failure.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

People with gum disease are more likely to suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Both conditions have inflammation in common. The bacteria from gingivitis can enhance inflammation in the whole body. This leads to the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis, a painful and debilitating inflammatory disease.


There is also a link between poor dental health and infertility problems in women. Severe gum diseases result in various health issues that make it difficult for a woman to conceive and continue a healthy pregnancy. It may even take longer for a woman with bad oral health to conceive than a woman with good dental health.

Erectile Dysfunction

Poor oral hygiene can put a man at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction. Chronic periodontal disease (CPD) is known to be connected to ED.

CPD is a kind of infection that happens when gums pull away from teeth, creating pockets that hold bacteria and enable the bug to spread to the bone surrounding teeth.

Bacteria from infected gums can go to the bloodstream and cause blood vessels to become inflamed. This inflammation may block the blood flow to the genitals, making erections difficult and impossible to achieve.

To keep your dental health good, you should always schedule a visit to your dentist and get your dental check-up every three months. This will help you diagnose and correct any problems or infections that may be developing in your mouth.

Book a consultation today at your nearest Perfect Smile practice. We’re one of the UK’s fast-growing dental groups backed by the most experienced dentists. To date, Perfect Smile has treated over 4 million patients across the UK.